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2013 USDA feature layer set up to display rural-urban census tracts and access to food. A brief summary of the item is not available. Add a brief summary about the item.

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Item created: Jun 19, 2015 Item updated: Dec 1, 2023 View count: 7,844

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Title: USDA Food Access Research Atlas, NM Census Tracts, 2013 - FACCUSDA
Source: Further documentation and download:
Initial release: February, 2013. (Updates Mar 20 and May 7 2013)
Denominators are now number of children and number of seniors in the census tract (not the total population in the census tract).  
Prepared by: T Scharmen,, 505-897-5700 x126
Feature Service: 
Excel Master File: 
Variable Definition
Tract Census tract FIPS code (character)
CTName Census tract Name
SANO NM Small Area Number
SANAME NM Small Area Name
COFIPS County FIPS code (character)
LILACT1a10 Low income and low access measured at 1 and 10 miles
LILACTHa10 Low income and low access measured at 1/2 and 10 miles
LILACT1a20 Low income and low access measured at 1 and 20 miles
LILACTVEH Low income and low access using vehicle access
Urban Urban tract
Rural Rural tract
LA1and10 Low access tract at 1 mile for urban areas or 10 miles for rural areas
LAhalfand10 Low access tract at 1/2 mile for urban areas or 10 miles for rural areas
LA1and20 Low access tract at 1 mile for urban areas or 20 miles for rural areas
LACThf Low access tract at 1/2 mile
LACT1 Low access tract at 1 mile
LACT10 Low access tract at 10 miles
LACT20 Low access tract at 20 miles
HUNVFlag Vehicle access, tract with low rate (Housing Units No Vehicle)
GroupQtrs Group quarters, tract with high share
OHU2010 Housing units, total
NUMGQTRS Group quarters, tract population residing in, number
PCTGQTRS Group quarters, tract population residing in, share
LACT Low income tract
POP2010 Population, tract total
UATYP10 Census urban area
lapophf Low access, people at 1/2 mile, number
plapophf Low access, people at 1/2 mile, share
lalowihf Low access, low-income people at 1/2 mile, number
plalowihf Low access, low-income people at 1/2 mile, share
lakidshf Low access, children age 0-17 at 1/2 mile, number
plakidshf Low access, children age 0-17 at 1/2 mile, share
lasenrshf Low access, seniors age 65+ at 1/2 mile, number
plasenrshf Low access, seniors age 65+ at 1/2 mile, share
lahunvhf Vehicle access, housing units without and low access at 1/2 mile, number
plahunvhf Vehicle access, housing units without and low access at 1/2 mile, share
lapop1 Low access, people at 1 mile, number
plapop1 Low access, people at 1 mile, share
lalowi1 Low access, low-income people at 1 mile, number
plalowi1 Low access, low-income people at 1 mile, share
lakids1 Low access, children age 0-17 at 1 mile, number
plakids1 Low access, children age 0-17 at 1 mile, share
laseniors1 Low access, seniors age 65+ at 1 mile, number
plaseniors1 Low access, seniors age 65+ at 1 mile, share
lahunv1 Vehicle access, housing units without and low access at 1 mile, number
plahunv1 Vehicle access, housing units without and low access at 1 mile, share
lapop10 Low access, people at 10 miles, number
plapop10 Low access, people at 10 miles, share
lalowi10 Low access, low-income people at 10 miles, number
plalowi10 Low access, low-income people at 10 miles, share
lakids10 Low access, children age 0-17 at 10 miles, number
plakids10 Low access, children age 0-17 at 10 miles, share
lasenrs10 Low access, seniors age 65+ at 10 miles, number
plasenrs10 Low access, seniors age 65+ at 10 miles, share
lahunv10 Vehicle access, housing units without and low access at 10 miles, number
plahunv10 Vehicle access, percentage of housing units without and low access at 10 miles
lapop20 Low access, people at 20 miles, number
plapop20 Low access, people at 20 miles, share
lalowi20 Low access, low-income people at 20 miles, number
palowi20 Low access, low-income people at 20 miles, share
lakids20 Low access, children age 0-17 at 20 miles, number
plakids20 Low access, children age 0-17 at 20 miles, share
laseniors20 Low access, seniors age 65+ at 20 miles, number
plasenrs20 Low access, seniors age 65+ at 20 miles, share
lahunv20 Vehicle access, housing units without and low access at 20 miles, number
plahunv20 Vehicle access, housing units without and low access at 20 miles, share

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