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173 behavioral health treatment facilities in New Mexico, with information on location, phone, website, services offered, populations served, and more. Data retrieved from SAMHSA. This feature service replaces BHTFAC112416. A brief summary of the item is not available. Add a brief summary about the item.

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Item created: May 15, 2017 Item updated: Jul 8, 2024 View count: 13,904

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Title: Behavioral Health Treatment Facilities, SAMHSA, May 2017 - BHTFAC050317
Summary: 173 behavioral health treatment facilities in New Mexico, with information on location, phone, website, services offered, populations served, and more
Source: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration,
Prepared By: L Heard, New Mexico Community Data Collaborative
T Scharmen, NMDOH,
Feature Service: 
Note: Master excel file available on request
This feature service replaces BHTFAC112416.
name1 Name of Clinic or Service
name2 Additional Information on Clinic or Service
street1 Address
street2 Additional Address Information
city City
state State
zip Zip Code
zip4 4-digit Zip Code Suffix
phone Phone Number
intake_ph1 Intake Phone Number
intake_ph2 Intake Phone Number
hotlin_ph1 Hotline Phone Number
hotlin_ph2 Hotline Phone Number
website Website Address
dir_first Director's First Name
dir_last Director's Last Name
latitude Latitude
longitude Longitude
type_facil Type of Facility
Service Code Service Name
saf Substance Abuse Treatment Services
mhf Mental Health Treatment Services
mhsaf Mix of Mental Health and Substance Abuse
ghf General health services
mh Mental health treatment    
sa Substance abuse treatment  
dt Detoxification  
mm Methadone maintenance  
mmw Methadone maintenance for predetermined time 
dm Methadone detoxification  
bum Buprenorphine maintenance  
bmw Buprenorphine maintenance for predetermined time 
db Buprenorphine detoxification  
rpn Relapse prevention from naltrxone  
bu Buprenorphine used in treatment
nxn Naltrexone (oral)
vtrl Vivitrol® (injectable Naltrexone)
meth Methadone
hh Transitional housing or halfway house
noop Do not treat opiod addiction
pain Use methadone/buprenorphoine for pain management or emergency dosing
nmoa Do not use medication for opioid addiction 
moa Accepts clients on opioid medication 
ubn Prescribes/administer buprenorphine and/or naltrexone 
otpa All Clients in Opioid Treatment Program
otp SAMHSA-certified Opioid Treatment Program
psy Psychiatric hospital or psychiatric unit of a general hospital
rtcc Residential treatment center (RTC) for children 
rtca Residential treatment center (RTC) for adults 
ores Other residential treatment facility  
ph Partial hospitalization/day treatment
omh Outpatient mental health facility
cmhc Community mental health center
msnh Multi-setting mental health facility (e.g., residential plus outpatient)
ipt Individual psychotherapy
cft Couples/family therapy
gt Group therapy
cbt Cognitive/behavioral therapy
dbt Dialectical behavioral therapy
bmt Behavior modification
idd Integrated dual disorders treatment
tt Trauma therapy
at Activity therapy
ect Electroconvulsive therapy
ptm Psychotropic medication
tele Telemedicine therapy
saca Substance abuse counseling approach 
trc Trauma-related counseling 
rebt Rational emotive behavioral therapy 
smon Smoking not permitted
smpd Smoking permitted in designated area
smop Smoking permitted without restriction 
hi Hospital inpatient 
res Residential
phdt Partial hospitalization/day treatment 
op Outpatient 
rs Short-term residential
rl Long-term residential
rd Residential detoxification
od Outpatient detoxification
omb Outpatient methadone/buprenorphine or vivitrol
odt Outpatient day treatment or partial hospitalization
oit Intensive outpatient treatment
ort Regular outpatient treatment
hid Hospital inpatient detoxification
hit Hospital inpatient treatment
ct Computerized treatment
gh General Hospital(including VA hospital) 
psyh Psychiatric hospital 
pvt Private organization
vamc U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
sma State mental health authority
osg Other state government agency
lmg Regional/district or county, local or municipal government
tbg Tribal government
ih Indian Health Service
stg State Government
lccg Local, county, or community government
ddf Department of Defense
stag State substance abuse agency
stmh State mental health department
stdh State department of health
hla Hospital licensing authority
jc The Joint Commission
carf Commission on Accreditation and Rehabilitation 
ncqa National Committee for Quality Assurance 
coa Council on Accreditation 
hfap Healthcare Facilitiues Accreditation Program 
onat Other national oraganization 
np No payment accepted
sf Cash or self-payment
md Medicaid
mc Medicare
si State financed health insurance plan other than Medicaid
pi Private health insurance
mi Military insurance (e.g., TRICARE)
ihs IHS/Tribal/Urban (ITU) funds
atr Access to recovery (ATR) voucher
smha State mental health agency (or equivalent) funds
swfs State welfare or child and family services funds
scjj State corrections or juvenile justice funds
sef State education funds
osf Other State funds
clf County or local government funds
csbg Community Service Block Grants
cmhg Community Mental Health Block Grants
vaf U.S Department of VA funds
fsa Federal, or any government funding for substance abuse programs
cit Crisis intervention team
wi Psychiatric emergency walk-in services
ss Sliding fee scale (fee is based on income and other factors)
pa Payment assistance (check with facility for details)
ah Services for the deaf and hard of hearing
sp Spanish
nx Native American Indian or Alaska Native languages
fx Other languages(excluding Spanish)
co Persons with co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders
gl Lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT) clients
vet Veterans
adm Active duty military
mf Military families
cj Clients referred from the court/judicial system 
se Seniors or older adults
ad Adolescents
pw Pregnant/postpartum women
wn Adult women
mn Adult men
hv Persons with HIV or AIDS
trma Persons who have experienced trauma
xa Persons who have experienced sexual abuse
dv Persons who have experienced intimate partner violence, domestic violence
sed Children with serious emotional disturbance (SED)
smi Persons with serious mental illness (SMI)
alz Persons with Alzheimer's or dementia
ptsd Persons with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
tbi Persons with traumatic brain injury (TBI)
tay Transitional age young adults
ped Persons with eating disorders
act Assertive community treatment
icm Intensive case management
cm Case management
cdm Chronic disease/illness management
peer Consumer-run (peer-support) services
coot Court-ordered outpatient treatment
dec Diet and exercise counseling
es Education services
fpsy Family psychoeducation
hs Housing services
imr Illness management and recovery
ipc Integrated primary care service
lad Legal advocacy
nrt Nicotine replacement therapy
nsc Non-nicotine smoking/tobacco cessation medications
prs Psychosocial rehabilitation services
stu Screening for tobacco use
sps Suicide prevention services
semp Supported employment
sh Supported housing
tpc Therapeutic foster care
tcc Smoking/tobacco cessation counselling
vrs Vocational rehabilitation services
adtx Alcohol Detoxification
bdtx Benzodiazepines Detoxification
cdtx Cocaine Detoxification
mdtx Methamphetamines Detoxification
odtx Opiods Detoxification
tgd Treatment for gambling disorder
tid Treatment for internet use disorder
ico Individual counseling offered
gco Group counseling offered
fco Family counseling offered
mco Marital/couples counseling offered
twfa 12-step faciltitation approach 
bia Brief intervention approach 
cmi Contingency management/motivational incentive 
moti Motivational interviewing 
ang Anger management 
mxm Martix Model 
crv Community reinforcement plus vouchers 
relp Relapse prevention  
bc Residential beds for clients children  
chld Children/adolescents
yad Young adults 
adlt Adults
snr Seniors (65 or older)
fem Female
male Male
bmo Methadone and buprenorphine clients only
mo Methadone clients only
du DUI/DWI clients
duo Serve only DWI clients
CO_FIPS County Code (Census)
NAME10 County Name (Census)
SA_NO Small Area Code (NMDOH)
SA_NAME Small Area Name (NMDOH)
CT_FIPS Census Tract Code (Census)
CT_NAME Census Tract Name (Census)
SD_NAME School District Code (NMPED)
SD_CODE School District Name (NMPED)
SLDUST Senate District Code
SENATE Senate District Name
SLDLST House District Code
HOUSE House District Name

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