201 Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)-supported health centers in New Mexico as of July 2016 ARCHIVE FILE. 2021 DATA AVAILABLE AT https://nmcdc.maps.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=81bb4aa376374d1d94d1fe12d290a03b# A brief summary of the item is not available. Add a brief summary about the item.
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Item created: Nov 28, 2016 Item updated: Jul 8, 2024 View count: 12,553
Summary: | 201 Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)-supported health centers in New Mexico as of July 2016 | |
Source: | https://datawarehouse.hrsa.gov/tools/DataPortalResults.aspx | |
Health Center Service Delivery Sites Data Portal View - All Sites - - - For more than 40 years, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)-supported health centers have provided comprehensive, culturally competent, quality primary health care services to medically underserved communities and vulnerable populations. Health centers are community-based and consumer-run organizations that serve populations with limited access to health care. These include low income populations, the uninsured, those with limited English proficiency, migrant and seasonal farm workers, individuals and families experiencing homelessness, and those living in public housing. For information about the HRSA Health Centers program please refer to the following webpage: http://bphc.hrsa.gov/about/. | ||
Prepared by: | T Scharmen, NM DOH, thomas.scharmen@state.nm.us | |
Feature Service: | http://nmcdc.maps.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=d5f569c3509d46ee8d080f95d74e1d06 | |
VARIABLE | Column Header | Description |
HCSD1 | DP_PRIMARY_REL | HRSA Data Warehouse (HDW) key converted to a text string used to crosswalk to a related dataset within the HDW Data Portal. |
HCSD2 | Site Name | name of a health care facility. |
HCSD3 | Services Delivered at Site | computed element which identifies whether patient care services are available at a given site in the primary health center service delivery sites data. |
HCSD4 | Health Center Type | health center service delivery site type. The health center service delivery site type indicates whether a given health center service delivery site offers direct patient care, functions in an administrative capacity, or both. |
HCSD5 | Health Center Location Type | description of the scope of operations for a health center service delivery site location. |
HCSD6 | Health Center Location Setting | description of the location setting for a health center service delivery site and is used to classify the site according to the type of institution to which It may be affiliated. |
HCSD7 | County Name | proper county name associated with a specified data element. |
HCSD8 | Site State Abbreviation | U.S. Postal Service (USPS) two alphabetic character code for a U.S. state or U.S. territory of the address of a health care facility. |
HCSD9 | BPHC Assigned Number | site number assigned by the source system for HRSA, Bureau of Primary Health Care (BPHC) sites. |
HCSD10 | UDS Number | unique identification number (ID) for a health center service delivery site contained in the HRSA Uniform Data System (UDS). |
HCSD11 | Health Center Look-Alike Number | numeric identifier assigned by the HRSA Bureau of Primary Health Care to uniquely identify organizations designated as Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) Look-Alike parent organizations. |
HCSD12 | Site Address | street address portion of the address of a health care facility contained in the source data system. |
HCSD13 | Site City | city name portion of the address of a health care facility contained in the source system. |
HCSD14 | Site ZIP Code | U.S. Postal Service ZIP Code portion of the address of a health care facility. |
HCSD15 | Site Telephone Number | telephone number at a primary health center service delivery site. |
HCSD16 | Administrative Telephone Number | administrative phone number (sometimes labeled appointment phone number) that can be called to learn administrative information about a primary health center service delivery site, or to schedule an appointment to receive care. |
HCSD17 | Site FAX Telephone Number | fax number for a primary health center service delivery site or a National Health Service Corps site. |
HCSD18 | Website | Uniform Resource Locator (URL) or internet address for the organization or entity associated with the specified record. |
HCSD19 | Administration Functions Performed at Site | calculated data element indicating whether a given primary health center service delivery site is used for administrative purposes. |
HCSD20 | HRSA Grant Programs | various Community Health Center subprograms in which a grant participates (receives funding), based on the various subprogram yes/no indicator flags. |
HCSD21 | Health Center Operator | type of organization that operates the health care delivery site. |
HCSD22 | Health Center Operating Calendar | operating calendar that indicates the type of schedule a health clinic operates. It does not list the specific operating hours for the clinic. |
HCSD23 | Operating Schedule | overall type of operating schedule (e.g., full-time or part-time) for a health center service delivery site. It does not list the specific daily hours of operation for the site. |
HCSD24 | Operating Hours per Week | number of hours per week a primary health center service delivery site is typically scheduled to be open for patient care. It does not indicate the daily schedule of when the site may be open. |
HCSD25 | Health Center Site Population Type | type of population served by the primary health center service delivery site, categorized by whether the population served primarily live in a rural setting or in an urban setting. |
HCSD26 | HHS Region | formal name for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) region associated with the entity location or address. |
HCSD27 | U.S. Senator Name (1) | name of one of the two United States Senators for the state associated with the entity. |
HCSD28 | U.S. Senator Name (2) | name of one of the two United States Senators for the state associated with the entity. |
HCSD29 | U.S. Congressional Representative Name | name of the Congressional Representative for the Congressional District associated with the entity. |
HCSD30 | In U.S. - Mexico Border 100 Kilometer Area | decoded description of the U.S. - Mexico 100 kilometer border region status indicator (Yes or No) for the entity. |
HCSD31 | In U.S. - Mexico Border County | decoded description of the U.S. - Mexico border county status indicator (Yes or No) for the entity. |
HCSD32 | Rural Status | description of the rural status (Yes or No) for the entity. |
HCSD33 | Longitude | geocoding artifact indicating the primary Longitude in decimal degrees (x coordinate) of an address returned by the world geocoding service (or Esri StreetMap Premium), in spatial reference WGS84 (WKID 4326). |
HCSD34 | Latitude | geocoding artifact indicating the primary Latitude in decimal degrees (y coordinate) of an address returned by the world geocoding service (or Esri StreetMap Premium), in spatial reference WGS84 (WKID 4326). |
HCSD35 | PROVIDER NETWORK | Name of provider network to which the facility belongs |
HCSD36 | Health Center Service Delivery Site Group | health center delivery site (HCSD) type status description. |
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HealthcareParents or Caregivers and FamiliesPublic Health Infrastructure
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